Dalgety Bay
Probus Club

Fellowship, Friendship and Fun

Fellowship, Friendship and Fun
Retired and Loving it!

Our purpose is to provide regular gatherings for people no longer in full-time work who appreciate and value opportunities to meet others with similar interests.

Rising out of membership activities there is a self-generating goodwill, a diverse background of interests and a strong feeling of cordiality.

Meeting new people, making new friends, discovering new interests are just some of the advantages of belonging to a Probus club.

Fostering companionship, social events and providing monthly meetings with interesting speakers. Occasional visits are also arranged, often to places not usually open to the public.

Our Meetings
Our core meetings are in the Compass on the first Tuesday of every month and if you think you may be interested in Probus, you are very welcome to come along to a meeting as a guest.

Should you be interested in joining the club, you will find an application form here or you can make an on-line membership application by clicking here.

Dalgety Bay Weather

18 March 2025

Next Meeting - Tuesday 1st April

Col Jim Kinloch - History of Gun Salutes

At our next club meeting on Tuesday 1st April, Col. Jim Kinloch will be talking to us about the History of Gun Salutes.


Tuesday 15th April

An early reminder that the club AGM will be held in the Compass on Tuesday 15th April. Formal Notice, Agenda and other papers will be circulated to members shortly

Next Zoom Meeting - Tuesday 22nd April

Robert Harris - Precipice

Our next Zoom meeting on Tuesday 22nd April will be an interview with author Robert Harris about his latest bestseller 'Precipice', which covers the reckless behaviour of Prime Minister Herbert Asquith while leading Britain into the First World War.

The History of Chocolate

Shown at Zoom Meeting of 18th March

Click 'Read More' to see the video on the History of Chocolate shown at the 18th March Zoom meeting.

Photos from Digipix Walk to Dysart

Thursday 27th February

Click 'Read More' to see the gallery of photos from the Digipix walk to Dysart on 27th February.

Website Changes

As the bulk of the information in the Members' Area of the website does not need password protection, this has now been replaced by a new Club Documents page on the main website, accessible via the 'Our Club' heading on the navigation bar at the top of any web page. Click 'Read More' to view this page now.

The Lost City of Petra

Shown at Zoom Meeting 18th February

Click 'Read More' to view the video on the lost city of Petra, shown at the Zoom meeting on 18th February.


7 JanuaryKevin ThompsonRobert Burns in Music and Verse

21 JanuaryZoom VideoIan Hislop's Review of 2024

4 FebruaryLynn BrandMarie Curie Charity

18 FebruaryZoom DocumentaryPetra - Lost City of Stone

4 MarchJohn MarshallA Life in Potatoes.

18 MarchZoom DocumentaryThe History of Chocolate

1 AprilCol. Jim KinlochHistory of Gun Salutes

15 AprilAGM

22 AprilZoom InterviewRobert Harris : Precipice 1914 - The PM and the Socialite

6 MayDorothy TaylorThe Comedy and Seriousness of Language

20 MayZoom DocumentaryThe Construction of a Cruise Ship

3 JuneAbby ParkhouseThe Aberlour Children's Charity

17 JuneZoom InterviewBill Gates

1 JulySummer LunchClub Members Only

15 JulyZoom DocumentaryGreenland

5 AugustCoffee and Chat

19 AugustZoom Documentary
Ancient Alexandria

2 SeptemberQuiz - Do You Know?Colin McKenzie & George Owenson

16 SeptemberZoom Documentary
How Prince Albert Changed British Culture

7 OctoberRoger CurtisThe Historic Environment of Fife

4 NovemberArthur LloydThe Great Lake States

7 NovemberEntertainment Evening

2 DecemberChristmas LunchMembers and Partners

16 DecemberFestive Fun Morning

Richard Williams


Sandy Wood


Colin Dolbear


David Brown

Programme Co-ordinator

Ken Edwards

Media Officer

Bill Ewing

Committee Member

  • The Compass, Dalgety Bay
  • Fife.
Members' Area image
The contents of the former Members' Area have been transferred to the main website. Further info on this has been advised to members by email. If you have any queries about this, please get in touch via the 'Contact Us' page.